In Kinds of Minds and From Bacteria to Bach and Back, Daniel Dennett differentiates 4 levels of intelligent agents, which closely map to Valentin Turchin’s cybernetic analysis of evolutionary metasystem transitions in The Phenomenon of Science and Robert Pirsig’s ethico-evolutionary Metaphysics of Quality framework in Lila: An Inquiry into Morals.

Dennett’s Creature Behavioral Repertoire Namesake Turchin’s Metasystem Transition Pirsig’s Static Level
Darwinian genetically-encoded instinctual behavior Charles Darwin control of position: unconditioned reflex (via transducer-discriminator-effector) Biology
Skinnerian operant conditioning/reinforcement learning B.F. Skinner control of reflex: association (conditioned reflex, cybernetic concept)
Popperian imaginative simulation/conjecture and refutation Karl Popper control of association: thinking
Gregorian culturally-transmitted thinking tools / paradigms / mental models Richard Gregory control of thinking: culture (via language) Society
control of culture: science [implicit in Turchin] Intellect

From this:

  • Reflex is the instinctual control of position in response to stimulus enabling the differential survival and reproduction of organisms.
  • Association is the conditioned control of reflex in response to reward enabling the differential survival and reproduction of learners.
  • Thought is the reflective control of association in response to imaginative simulation enabling the differential survival and reproduction of cognizers.
  • Culture is the social control of thinking in response to memetic contagion enabling the differential survival and reproduction of tribe members.
  • Intellect is the intentional control of culture in response to universalizing criticism enabling the differential survival and reproduction of truth-seekers.