An experimental personal conceptual knowledgebase.
A blog-based commonplace book.
Two Misconcepts of Liberty
Following Isaiah Berlin's analysis, freedom may be properly understood as [...]
An experimental personal conceptual knowledgebase.
A blog-based commonplace book.
Following Isaiah Berlin's analysis, freedom may be properly understood as [...]
“When we go outside the sphere of perception and declare [...]
As we approach the limits of inquiry, the inferences we [...]
Before it was formulated under the name, Alfred North Whitehead [...]
As noted in Dennett's Dangerous Idea, the human tendency to take [...]
As creatures with faculties of memory, imagination, understanding, and will, [...]
Philosopher John Searle makes a 4-quadrant distinction matrix combining [...]
Because our capacities allow us form intentions about the future, [...]
Human belief formation is homologous genetic recombination via horizontal [...]
Ken Wilber articulates "The Basic Moral Intuition" as the imperative [...]