An experimental personal conceptual knowledgebase.
A blog-based commonplace book.
Gross, Subtle, Causal as variously integrated neural networks
Ken Wilber identifies major categories of transcendent mystic states as [...]
An experimental personal conceptual knowledgebase.
A blog-based commonplace book.
Ken Wilber identifies major categories of transcendent mystic states as [...]
In Kinds of Minds and From Bacteria to Bach [...]
Justice is the good in the social domain Truth is [...]
"Truth is that concordance of an abstract statement with the [...]
In Plato's theory of Forms, the Form of the Good [...]
Power is not only exercised in its overt "first face" [...]
"Selfishness beats altruism within groups. Altruistic groups beat selfish groups. [...]
The social status competition associated with severe income inequality generates [...]
Tielhard de Chardin / evolutionary epic
Syntax becomes semantics for an observing subject when a syntax processor [...]