This view was strongly reinforced in February when I read Lawrence Lessig’s well-researched, well argued book, Republic, Lost
Lessig drew inspiration from Thoreau’s metaphor when renaming to Rootstrikers his political organization Fix Congress First. Rootstrikers supports public funding of elections, transparency in political expenditures, and advocates for a constitutional convention as the best, slim, hope to return control of our political system to the people. Given the McCain-Feingold and Citizens United supreme court decisions conflating money and speech, only a constitutional amendment can further control political spending. Until Citizens United, I remained hopeful that passing voluntary Clean Elections publicly financed campaign laws would be sufficient to mitigate the corrupting effects of the congressional money chase, but with the rise of Citizens United-sanctioned super PACs, I increasingly think Lessig is correct that, free (“money equals”) speech concerns notwithstanding, a constitutional amendment is the only instrument capable of cleaving this central stem of our national ills.