Environment Illinois is calling for support for S.B. 1184, a “clean energy” bill working its way through the Illiniois legislature. My Senator, Susan Garrette, is already a co-sponsor.

Dear Senator:

Thank you for co-sponsoring S.B. 1184, the Affordable, Clean Energy Standards Act. I believe energy policy to be of central importance to our state and our nation and so will watch the progress of this legislation closely.

While I believe that across-the-board market-driven solutions such as a green-house gas emissions cap & trade program or a “carbon” tax represent the most far-reaching, effective methods to shift our nation off of our “addiction” to fossil fuels and the environmental, health, and security threats that such dependence brings, S.B. 1184 at least delivers pragmatic first steps in the direction of clean energy and energy independence.

Keith Gillette